Mid-America Journal of Theology

Journal of Theology Archives

The Mid-America Journal of Theology is a collection of scholarly articles and book reviews published once a year, typically in the fall. Unsolicited articles and book reviews are currently still being accepted for consideration for publication, and may be submitted to MAJTEditor@midamerica.edu. 

At this time, the most recent Journal issues are not digitally available on our website, but will be uploaded in the course of time.

Subscribe to the Mid-America Journal of Theology


Unsolicited articles and book reviews are accepted for consideration for publication. Style should follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition.
Contact the managing editor of the Mid-America Journal of Theology with questions regarding a submission to the journal at MAJTEditor@midamerica.edu.

Copyright and Usage

The views expressed by contributors to the Mid-America Journal of Theology are their own, and not necessarily endorsed by Mid-America Reformed Seminary, its Faculty, or its Board of Trustees.

All journal articles and book reviews are copyright Mid-America Reformed Seminary. You are permitted to reproduce and distribute this material as long as the copies are distributed at no cost and a credit to Mid-America is evident on each copy.