Articles from the Faculty

Here you'll find a repurposed resource hub of published works from the Faculty of Mid-America - from segments of podcasts, portions of journal articles, published books, Messenger pieces, and more.

Mary's Place in the Christmas Story
Dr. Cornelis Venema elaborates on the role of Mary in the Christmas story and of her being "blessed" among women.
Spirituality of the Church
Dr. Alan Strange, Professor of Church History, takes us through the doctrine of the spirituality of the Church as it was articulated throughout church history, beginning with the Early Church through the era of American Slavery and the Civil War.
Introducing the Center for Missions and Evangelism
Dr. Eric Watkins introduces the new Center for Missions and Evangelism.
Surviving the Polarization Pandemic
Dr. Marvin Olasky, Editor-in-Chief of WORLD Magazine, offers a healthy perspective on how Christians should interact with the headlines today.
A Field Hand in God's Harvest Field
The term Paul uses for ministers was originally used for those who wait upon tables, providing those whom they serve with food that they neither produced nor prepared. By using this term, Paul underscores the lowly position of those who minister the gospel in relation to the one on whose behalf they serve. The field in which they labor is “God’s field.”
Breaking Down the Dividing Wall of Hostility
Unlike the Old Testament temple where there was a wall of separation between Jews and Gentiles, the New Testament temple is a community of those who have been reconciled to God, and to each other, by the blood of Jesus.