Our professors strive for the formation of each student as a child of God equipped to serve the Lord in the life of Christ's church.
Students and alumni of Mid-America Reformed Seminary consistently rate their relationships with the professors as one of the Seminary's greatest benefits. Each faculty member has the scholarship expertise and pastoral experience that provide a comprehensive and integrated theological education. Additionally, the professors at Mid-America take a personal interest in each student and consistently maintain a mentoring perspective. The professors strive for the formation of each student as a child of God equipped to serve the Lord in the life of Christ's church.
Dr. Camden Bucey
Doctrinal Studies
The Rev. Greg Bylsma
Ministerial Studies
Dr. John Currie
Ministerial Studies
Dr. Richard Gaffin
New Testament Studies
Andrew Iversen
Greek Studies
The Rev. Paul Murphy
Ministerial Studies
The Rev. Danny Patterson
Ministerial Studies
Dr. Peter J. Wallace
Church History