Mission & Distinctives

Mid-America Reformed Seminary serves Christ and his church by assisting in the formation and preparation of servants for the Kingdom of God.

Our Mission Statement

Mid-America Reformed Seminary serves Christ and his church by assisting in the formation and preparation of servants for the Kingdom of God. Our primary purpose is to train men for the gospel ministry of Jesus Christ in confessional Reformed and Presbyterian churches. We also provide solid theological training for others among God’s people whose life calling may be enhanced by theological education.

As our students engage in ministry life while pursuing studies, they encounter a vigorous curriculum offering courses in biblical, theological, ecclesiastical, and ministerial studies. This solid grounding in biblical doctrine is foundational in the training of godly men as they prepare to serve in the ministry of the Word and sacraments with a servant’s heart.

Our Core Distinctives


Scripturally Committed: We are wholeheartedly committed to the supreme authority and complete truthfulness of the Word of God – the Old and New Testaments – which are the standard for everything we do.

Creedally and Confessionally Informed: The historic Christian creeds coupled with the Three Forms of Unity and the Westminster Standards set the parameters for our course of instruction.



Gospel Centered: It is our core conviction that Christ builds his church by his Spirit and Word. The proclamation of the gospel of Christ and his saving work lies at the core of the church’s mission in the world.

Pastorally Focused: We exist to serve the church. A healthy church depends on the faithful ministry of God’s Word. Our mission is to provide the best training possible for students who are preparing for gospel ministry.

Religious Affiliation

Mid-America is closely associated with confessional Reformed and Presbyterian churches; however, it is not governed by the rules of any denomination. All members of Mid-America’s Association and the Board of Trustees, which governs the Seminary and its activities, and the members of the faculty, are wholeheartedly committed to the Holy Scriptures as the infallible and inerrant Word of God; and in conformity with the Word, to the ecumenical creeds of Christendom (the Apostles’, Athanasian, and Nicene Creeds); and to the following Reformation Confessions: the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Canons of Dort, and the Westminster Confession of Faith.