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Episode 208: 208. John Calvin's Institutes: Knowing God

Welcome to 2024 and the newly renamed MARSCAST podcast from Mid-America Reformed Seminary.

You may be wondering about the new name: The Seminary podcast enters 2024 with a fresh name indicative of our reformatting of the show. We used to do a generic roundtable configuration of older episodes but have slowly transformed into episodes singularly highlighting one of our learned faculty members as they elaborate on doctrine, biblical theology, and cultural dynamics particular to their field of study. As we proceed through the year of our Lord 2024, our hope is that we provide refreshing content produced by our faculty and friends and that this will be of great service to you, your family, and your church.

In this inaugural episode of 2024, Dr. Beach enters part 2 of a series he started on John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion. In this episode, he briefly summarizes Calvin’s main purpose and approach in the opening chapters of the Institutes: to show that all people have a knowledge of God through creation and conscience and, therefore, are without excuse, but this knowledge is corrupted and insufficient for salvation.