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Episode 53: Three Forms of Unity | The Belgic Confession

If you’ve been in the Reformed camp long enough the month of October should ring a bell for you. Not because of witches and ghouls and pumpkin carving, but something that holds much more significance for our lives as Christians - Protestant and Reformed Christians, specifically. And that’s the season of Reformation, beginning with the epochal work of Martin Luther and his nailing of the 95 theses on the church doors of Wittenberg in response to the selling of indulgences by the Catholic Church.

Of course, as we know, it didn’t end there: The Reformation continued, and a variety of documents were written reflecting the theological confessions of the Reformers. Rev. Mark Vander Hart, Dr. Cornelis Venema, and Dr. J. Mark Beach (3 of our Reformed professors) sit down to discuss a selection of these documents known as the Three Forms of Unity, beginning with the earliest of these: the Belgic Confession.