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Episode 21: Biblical Studies: The Languages

We’re launching into a new three-part series on Biblical Studies here at Mid-America Reformed Seminary. We thought we’d take some time to discuss what it means to do biblical scholarship, and we thought we’d start with a discussion on the biblical languages. Mid-America is one of the seminaries which are getting fewer and fewer as time goes by that have a rigorous commitment to and requirement of the biblical languages. Mid-America not only has classes strictly in Hebrew and Koine Greek, but even during their time in exegesis classes (Old Testament and New), students are thoroughly engaged in the biblical languages as they weave their way through the biblical text. Taking part in this discussion, in speaking order, are Associate Professor of Old Testament Rev. Mark Vander Hart, Assistant Professor of Old Testament Rev. Andrew Compton, and Associate Professor of New Testament Dr. Marcus Mininger. They start with a basic question: In what languages was the Bible written?