Statement of Educational Effectiveness

Mid-America Reformed Seminary is committed to providing high-quality theological education and ministerial preparation. To verify our effectiveness in achieving this goal, we regularly collect and analyze data from various sources, including student evaluations, faculty assessments, graduate feedback, ministerial advisor reports, and graduate placement data. This statement presents key indicators of our educational effectiveness over the past five years, offering insight into our students' academic performance, ministerial readiness, and overall satisfaction with their seminary experience. The following data points reflect our dedication to excellence in theological education and our ongoing efforts to prepare people for ministry and other diverse forms of service.

Mid-America Reformed Seminary demonstrates strong educational effectiveness across various metrics. Student satisfaction is very high, with an average rating of 4.81 out of 5 on course evaluations over the past five years.

Graduate satisfaction with the Seminary is exceptionally high. In Graduate Exit Interviews conducted over the last three years, 100% of respondents indicated that they would recommend Mid-America Reformed Seminary to others. This strong endorsement from recent graduates speaks to the perceived value and quality of the education received.

The job placement rates for Mid-America graduates are impressive. For the Master of Divinity program, the job placement rate from 2018-2022 is 91%. Meanwhile, the Master of Theological Studies program boasts a high job placement rate of 100% for the same period. These high placement rates indicate that graduates from both programs are successfully transitioning into relevant positions in their fields of study.

For the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program, assessments of students show consistently positive learning outcomes. For example, over the last five years, blind faculty evaluations show that student sermons scored “good” or “excellent” in each key area of learning within the degree program 86.8% of the time. This indicates that M.Div. students are generally meeting or exceeding faculty expectations in their sermon preparation and delivery.

Ministerial advisor evaluations further support the effectiveness of the M.Div. program. Over the last five years, pastoral advisors rated our graduates as meeting expectations for each key area of learning in the degree program 96% of the time. This high percentage suggests that M.Div. graduates are well-prepared for ministerial roles according to their advisors.

Together, all of this data points help demonstrate Mid-America Reformed Seminary’s strong track record of educational effectiveness, including high levels of student satisfaction, positive faculty and ministerial advisor evaluations, and an excellent job placement rate. For more information about these and other data points, please contact the Seminary.