Rev. Mark D. Vander Hart
Rev. Mark D. Vander Hart

Rev. Mark D. Vander Hart

Associate Professor of Old Testament Studies (Emeritus)

B.A. Dordt College 1975
M.Div. Calvin Theological Seminary 1980
Th.M. Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education 2001

Professor Vander Hart pastored the Christian Reformed Church of La Glace-Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada, from 1980 to 1983. He continues to take an active interest in the life of the local church as well as the international church. He frequently preaches in local congregations and leads Bible studies for several church societies.

Rev. Vander Hart has written several Bible studies: Genesis 1-11Jacob (Genesis 25-49), and Joseph & Judah. Professor Vander Hart has also ministered to the international Reformed community, teaching within Southeast Asian populations in the United States as well as teaching in Cyprus, Ukraine, Myanmar, Latvia, and India. He is involved with Reformed Faith and Life (Armenian and French), the Christ for Myanmar Mission Committee, and the International Theological Education Ministries, Inc. (ITEM).

Professor Vander Hart has contributed articles for the Mid-America Journal of TheologyThe OutlookChristian Renewal, and Biblical Horizons. He is a member of the Society for Biblical Literature, the Evangelical Theological Society, the Calvin Studies Society, and the National Association of Professors of Hebrew.